Double Banded Midnight Mako
Mako is available to the right home. We will be very particular where she goes.
She was born in April of 2020. Mako is house and crate trained. She gets along with all other dogs well. She is not aggressive with cats. She is wonderful with our young daughters; plays with them is is tolerant of their requests. She needs a home where she will be part of the family. I do not expect her to make an excellent hunting dog or hunt test dog.
Mako is from the breeding of AKC GCH, Can CH, UKC CH HR Clearwater’s Midnight Romance from Arlon
SH WC CGC to UKC HRCH Backland’s Poppyfield Sage. Romeo also has two Master passes.
Mako has 4 months of professional training. She has completed her obedience, force fetch, and collar conditioning. She was given single marks on land and water. She does not enjoy retrieving in water. She will happily play with fun retrieves, but does not perform well given serious field work. She might do better in a setting where her owner can keep her home and train her.
Pedigree link:
OFA Hip Prelims: Good
OFA Elbow Prelims: Normal
Sire Genetic testing: EIC, CNM, PRA, HNPK, NARC Dilute, clear.
Dam Genetic testing: PRA clear.
She was born in April of 2020. Mako is house and crate trained. She gets along with all other dogs well. She is not aggressive with cats. She is wonderful with our young daughters; plays with them is is tolerant of their requests. She needs a home where she will be part of the family. I do not expect her to make an excellent hunting dog or hunt test dog.
Mako is from the breeding of AKC GCH, Can CH, UKC CH HR Clearwater’s Midnight Romance from Arlon
SH WC CGC to UKC HRCH Backland’s Poppyfield Sage. Romeo also has two Master passes.
Mako has 4 months of professional training. She has completed her obedience, force fetch, and collar conditioning. She was given single marks on land and water. She does not enjoy retrieving in water. She will happily play with fun retrieves, but does not perform well given serious field work. She might do better in a setting where her owner can keep her home and train her.
Pedigree link:
OFA Hip Prelims: Good
OFA Elbow Prelims: Normal
Sire Genetic testing: EIC, CNM, PRA, HNPK, NARC Dilute, clear.
Dam Genetic testing: PRA clear.